Welcome to political and economic clarity.
Clarity comes from understanding how things work, thereby allowing us to predict how well – or poorly – they will turn out.
Burkean Economics, aka Economic Control Theory, aka eCon, aka Burkean Control Theory, clarifies expected results from political and economic policy decisions. It explains how we humans behave – as individuals, as family units and as agents of external control on others.
eCon values results, not intentions. Better results are predictable, worse results even more predictable. The smarter those playing with other people's money, the more likely are terrible or horrifying results.
eCon / Burkean Economics isn’t just about economics. It applies to any endeavor involving more than one person, especially when masses of people are involved. Hence, Economic Control Theory can more generally be thought of as Humanity Control Theory.
And, since it is based on Burkean Touchstones, it can also be thought of as Burkean Control Theory. But, for the sake of simplicity and to play off the well known tropes of “Econ 101”, it is referred to here as eCon.
eCon Definition
eCon is a new political and economic control theory applied to political-economy choices at the large group level. It's frame is cCon v. dCon, i.e., how control is distributed on Control Axes: from Centralized Control or cCon on the left to Decentralized Control or dCon on the right.

eCon Ambition
eCon can inform a new politics — lucid and healthy — for our (still) new millennium. Join in.
eCon Canon
eCon 102 — eCon Axes shows how eCon can be assessed across each axis of economic control, aka eCon Axes.
eCon 103 – Economic Systems on the eCon Axis plots Communism, Socialism, Markets and Laissez-faire on the eCon Axis.
eCon 300 — The Particle Physics Model of Socionomic Systems describes a model that will allow for the quantifiable evaluation of socionomic policies and trade-offs.
eCon 310 — Energy Economy — eCon Analysis is the first application of eCon analysis, an alpha test if ever there was one. Caveat emptor.
eCon 400 — The dCon Manifesto utilizes the fortuitous rise of Decentralized Control in organisms other than economics to understand the organic superiority of dCon eCon, thus proving that dCon is the True North eCon.
eCon 401 — dCon vs. cCon addresses the conflict between Decentralized and Centralized Control.
eCon 402 — dCon Mechanisms introduces the three ways dCon gets infused into human affairs.
eCon 403 — dCon v other Econography compares dCon to Limited Government, Low Taxes and other Right Wing priorities, then moves Left to address Unions and Utopianism.
eCon 404 — dCon Doesn’t Promise Utopia debunks any notion that it does.
eCon 501 — addresses the pros and cons of dCon’s many monikers, and touches on various eCon monikers.