3 Strikes Against the VEEP
Nobody voted for her. She can’t talk. She's reliably wrong.

Strike 1 — Destroying Democracy to Save Democracy
2024 Democrats are destroying democracy to save democracy. Here's how:
The elite cabal behind Veep Harris’s presidential candidacy essentially crowned her their nominee, notwithstanding not a single primary voter voting for her. Not one. That is disenfranchisement on a mass scale, with over 14 million votes disregarded.
This undemocratic anointment is counter to how we make electoral decisions in America, which is to ensure government-by-the-people. Mess with that and the whole structure wobbles.

Strike 2 — Kamala Can’t Talk
Equally bad, she refuses questions. Now 15 days into her candidacy, she has not answered a single question posed to her. Zero, zip, nada. Contrast this with previous nominees, each of whom answered dozens of questions during their first two weeks.
That's because a President’s job includes responding to the American people. In fact, a POTUS job requirement is to verbally respond to the American people, through the intermediary of journalists, debased though they may be. Must have!
She doesn’t have it. The woman is verbally deficient at the level required of a POTUS.
Can’t talk? Can’t POTUS.
Since Kamala can’t talk, Kamala can’t POTUS.
Strike 3 — Uniquely Awful Results
Amazingly, Veep Harris exceeds her latest sugar-daddy – Joe Biden – in being reliably wrong. He pioneered and perfected the Full Biden: massive disasters for America that were obvious in advance. He did it with his ham-handed exit from Afghanistan, with his inflation creation acts, and with his economy-killing attacks on oil & gas, to name a few.
She voted those disasters through the Senate, and was famously the last one in the room when he made the "big decisions", including the ill begotten plan to exit Afghanistan via the Kabul Airport. That national security disaster cost the lives of 13 American soldiers and 170 Afghans, plus gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine.
However, her bad judgement goes well beyond even those disasters. This is the 2020 presidential candidate who advocated a ban on fracking, an end to private health insurance, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, and many more spectacularly awful pronouncements, typically of a cCon nature. Her campaign now claims she no longer believes many of these, but that's far too little, far too late to alter the conclusion that she is reliably wrong about damn near every issue important to the American people.
3 Strikes & She’s Out
Veep Harris is the most ill-qualified nominee for POTUS that anyone alive today has ever seen. She owes her current position to the special favors of powerful players, not to voters. Her verbal skills aren’t nearly strong enough for a POTUS. And, she’s reliably wrong on virtually every major issue, from war to energy to the economy to crime.
Those three strikes mean she should be out of contention for the November election. The Democrats must be taught that lesson via a crushing defeat for their ludicrous candidate. Perhaps then, they will put forth a legitimate candidate in 2028.