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To submit or not to submit?

Israel means Wrestle with God.

Islam means Submission to God.

Christianity Stands with Israel and is Saved by God.

The Koran authorizes Muslims to kill Jews, who resolutely refuse to submit to Allah. Plus, the Jews are the O.G. infidels of Muslim lands. That's why the Iranian regime paid for Hamas's Jewish massacre. (What does it mean to be The Chosen People? This is part.)

Muslims are commanded to kill “idolaters”, people who don’t Submit to Allah, oft taken to mean "infidels", i.e., non-Muslims. Hence, Islamists have killed and intend to kill countless infidels, starting with tens if not hundreds of millions of insufficiently submissive Muslims, plus all Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Druze and the followers of pretty much every peaceful religion on Earth. Endtime is all the time to an Islamist.

Most Muslims reject this genocidal Koranic command. Islamists are driven by it. There are 1.8-billion Muslims in our world today, nearly a quarter of the people on God's green Earth. Let's lowball it and say 10% are Islamists. That means there are 180-million Islamists. America has a population of 330 million, meaning there's more than one Islamist in the world for every other American. They all have genocidal murder in mind.

Jews won’t submit. That’s a capital offense to an Islamist. Islamists are proud to slaughter infidels, prouder still if their victims are female: women, girls, babies. After all, the whole world has seen that Islamists have a sick fetish for soft victims in soft targets.

Never Submit

Christians & Jews must never submit to the Islamists. They seek our destruction, our death, as painful a death as possible. They are literally sadistic savages.

We are in a Battle of Civilizations, if you can call the caliphates that Islamists imagine civilizations.

This Battle may not be existential to most in the West now, but it sure as hell is existential to Islamists. Think how important Western Progressives consider "the existential crisis of Climate Change". Now multiply that by 666, roughly. That's how seriously the Islamists take their War on the Judeo-Christian West.

The Ayatollah and other Islamist leaders intend to kill every Christian, every Jew, every Hindu, every atheist and every agnostic who refuses to submit to their God. That's why the Islamists deserve righteous hatred like no self-selected group since Hitler's Nazis. They must lose unconditionally and be seen as having lost this Battle of Civilizations. They must lose like Nazi Germany lost and then Imperial Japan lost. It must be historic.

Never submit to their bullying bullshit.

They've got God all wrong. They'll lose because of it.

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I am David Burkean, America First patriot, ethical pragmatist, avid Burkean and advocate for Decentralized Control - dCon. I'm wary of Centralized Control - cCon. I see in cCon-dCon terms. #More4More follows in the wake.

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