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The President’s Select Commission on Race in America

America needs leadership from the non-white community in the wake of the #GeorgeFloyd murder, protests and riots. Even as police and the National Guard restore order and stability to our streets, we must advance the cause of racial justice. That cause should be led by a largely new generation of leaders who have personal experience with the problems of race in America, and who command presidential respect.

Therefore, @RealDonaldTrump should create the President’s Select Commission on Race in America, chaired by @SecretaryCarson and cochaired by @SenatorTimScott and @NikkiHaley.

  1. Dr. Ben Carson is the obvious chairman because of his position as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, and his inspiring biography as a child of the inner city who rose to the highest reaches of achievement in America.

  2. US Senator Tim Scott speaks with gravitas and wisdom about the role of race in America. His position as a black Republican United States Senator from the Deep South state of South Carolina gives him wide reaching credibility.

  3. Ambassador Nikki Haley knows what it means to grow up as a person of color, but more importantly, distinguished herself as Governor of South Carolina in the wake of the 2015 Charleston church shooting. Plus, she had a very successful tenure working for President Trump as America’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

The President’s Select Commission on Race in America should be charged with the development in “Trump Time” of actionable recommendations to improve racial comity and justice. Their first report should therefore be ready by Labor Day 2020, if not sooner.

Who should join the chair and cochairs on the President’s Select Commission on Race in America? Dozens of worthies come to mind, but here is a dream team to go along with Secretary Carson, Senator Scott and Ambassador Haley.

  1. @KanyeWest: Kanye has distinguished himself over the past two years as a heterodox thinker and creative genius, who still commands a mass audience.

  2. Dr. Walter E. Williams: Dr. Williams is perhaps the wisest public intellectual we currently have on matters of race.

  3. @ThomasSowell: If Walter E. Williams isn’t the wisest public intellectual on matters of race, then Thomas Sowell is.

  4. @RealCandaceO: Candace Owens is the face of a new generation of black Americans who seek to lift up all of America, not tear down “the other”.

  5. @DiamondandSilk: Diamond and Silk are superlative communicators about today’s African-American experience.

  6. @HaroldFordJr: Former Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. is a lucid and thoughtful Democrat on matters of race.

  7. Will Smith: Yes, the moviestar. The once and forever Fresh Prince is beloved by America for good reason. He’s a likeable guy with a good head on his shoulders, and has been a voice of reason during the past week’s troubles.

  8. @Money23Green: Draymond Green of the Golden State Warriors is a whip-smart product of the inner-city who has risen to the highest heights of American success, and not just as an athlete. He’s the best interview in all of professional sports and would make a valuable addition to “the conversation”.

  9. @JohnJamesMI: West Point graduate John James distinguished himself in battle as an Army Ranger, and then returned to run his family’s business. He understands America and achievement in America. He is now running for the US Senate, so also understands the role that government must play in this matter.

  10. @rwoodson2: Robert L. Woodson founded The Woodson Center to “identify and bring recognition and funding to strengthen the efforts of indigenous neighborhood leaders and organizations that are effectively addressing critical problems of their communities through innovative initiatives.”

  11. @StephenASmith: Legendary ESPN pundit Stephen A. Smith is the best talker on TV, and a thoughtful person on matters of race. His platform is huge.

  12. @KeishaBottoms: Atlanta Mayer Keisha Lance Bottoms distinguished herself this weekend in denouncing the riots and destruction in the city that Martin Luther King called home. She is a Democrat who is capable of being sensible.

  13. @LarryElder: Talk radio host Larry Elder rose up from the innercity to become an erudite proponent of healthy racial relations in America. His platform and hard-won wisdom will be very helpful to the Commission.

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I am David Burkean, America First patriot, ethical pragmatist, avid Burkean and advocate for Decentralized Control - dCon. I'm wary of Centralized Control - cCon. I see in cCon-dCon terms. #More4More follows in the wake.

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